
Kaya jar that fell on the floor

Kaya jar that fell on the floor

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Today marks the day I finally "completed" the blog website. It was extremely daunting at first jumping onto a new tech stack NextJS and Vercel for web development. But Ben really inspired and helped me to kickstart my own blogging journey. Im definetely planning to expand on the website and adding more features like a search module from Wei Chun, thoughts page from Ben, etc.

To commemorate my first blog, I shared a picture of my kaya jar shattering on the floor. Truly a tragedy...

On a side note, I'll be graduating really soon. It truly feels like time is just flying. It's already March and I'll be set to gradaute in 2 months time.

To make full use of my time I've been waking up at 5:30am everyday(except weekends) to get a headstart of my day hitting the gym and doing as much as I can before lunch but working 18 hours a week and taking 5 courses might've been more than I could chew.

I've also start to become more appreciative on every little thing and every little interaction I've come across these few months, as I've started to realize my life would be extremely different in a few months time.

Well that's pretty much it for my first entry of a million+ entries.

Special Thanks for the inspiration for this blog:

  • Ben
  • Tiffany
  • Wei Chun
  • Yi Hui
  • Lamb Chen

note to self: Start journaling or documenting everyday