The Problem

My timetable for the semester

My timetable for the semester

I've tried implementing the better time blocking tactic that I learned from the podcast yesterday and employed a "job" to each time block. This is when I found out I just dont have enough time to spend, most of my time is spent on classes and work. I feel like I dont even have enough time for myself anymore and I'm starting to feel stressed especially next week (midterms). As a matter of fact, I have an exam tomorrow and I've just finished a study session.

Im still struggling with context switching, so I definitely need to look into ways to help mitigate that as well. I'll constantly check my phone for messages from C or scroll through my Instagram feed or some YouTube shorts to distract myself from the current task im working on (a form of escapism)

Recently I've also been troubled by some relationship stuff and fortunatel, I had the chance to come by a great summary my friend wrote on interpersonal relationship advices from Ava. I'll definitely need to have a more in-depth look into the blog post, but I'll leave this here for future references.

I also asked my friend(Ben) on some writing tips and he gave me some resources (resource1, resource2) that I'll need to check out soon to improve my writing.

One major benefit I've discovered from creating daily entries is that I'm able to come to terms with my self better. It basically helps me understand myself and gives me a small window to have like a "summary" or "review" of my day. So I really do hope that I can develop this into a good habit!

Things to work on

  • context switching (different task & phone)
  • writing online (refer to the resources)