Trying out Strings

A Bonfire in Thailand 2019

A Bonfire in Thailand 2019

Today I tried learning and playing the guitar with the guidance of Marcus and I instantly got hooked to it. I've tried playing multiple instruments in the past like the Piano, Violin, and Drums but none of them stuck to me (maybe I was too young to enjoy them). I've also wanted to play the Guitar's cousin, the Ukulele for a long time because I thought it had some novelty and comedic value of a big guy playing such a small instrument. But I never got the chance to do so.

I managed to learn some basics on how to properly play the guitar. It might seem simple like it's just a few strings, and you just strum it. But it hides a lot of complexity behind each action you do to the strings. The first song that Marcus taught me was Worldstar Money by Joji, I managed to play it at the end of the day, but I still feel like more work needs to be put into it to perfect it.


A song that I plan to learn how to play this spring break is definitely "Night in Tuscany"(Romanza). We just call it Night in Tuscany for fun.

I guess I've found a new hobby to delve into for the Spring break grind.
