Update on Life

The sky looks nice today

The sky looks nice today

Today I'm just sharing some bits and pieces of my experience on implementing everything I've learned throughout the week from the podcast(focus & productivity) to writing hacks and much more.

On Productivity,

I personally loved Time Blocking, I've had a similar system previously but now I implemented specific "jobs" beforehand that block and it definitely made it easier to stay focus on your pre-planned tasks and Remove Administrative Overhead during the block. A Shutdown Ritual definitely helped in stopping whatever task I had on the dot, which I think requires a lot of self-discipline and self-control. I'm going to try Multiscale Planning during the weekends and see how it goes next week.

On Writing,

I realized that I was spending an extensive amount of time reading, understanding, writing, proof-reading, whatever I was planning on delving in that day. (That large amount of time could've been dedicated to other projects or courses). I really do enjoy the process but I'm not sure if its still the best way of spending my time. Maybe whoever is reading this could provide some input to me on this issue.

Why not write about what I learn from class?

As they say the best way to learn is to teach, so I might start writing about what I learn from my CS courses.

But some tools that definitely helped me (thanks Ben) to streamline my writing process are so good I had to share.

  • matter, use this as a backlog, to-read
  • curius, use this take read, take notes and save key points. You can add tags to them which is a plus!

On Love,

Love is something that is freely given, and never coerced

On Myself,

Progress update, I've reached a new low for my weightloss journey. 95.8kg, where it was originally 105kg (my heaviest). Eventhough Im cutting, I've been hitting my PRs like 80lbs bicep curls for reps!! 140lbs dumbell press!!

Getting an invitation to Google I/O which was extremely cool, but I have exams so I might not be able to attend it sob. Well, at least I get to attend Cloud Next 2024 (thanks Csaba).

On C, It honestly feels good to get the issue that I've been keeping pent up for some time now off my chest through writing.

Also got my first paycheck from my internship!!

On the Future,

Some topics that I'm planning to explore more are: The Gym, Cycling, Weightloss, Computer Science, AI, Relationships (which includes friendship), Time, Habits, David Goggins and more...

I definitely want to contribute more on different projects: (feels like I've been neglecting them, fear of the difficulty)

  • Splitit
  • Biometrics
  • Databases

Embrace the struggle